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1 / P-APotionMerchandise—Heal 20 harm from 1 of your Pokémon.Store2 / P-AX VelocityMerchandise—Throughout this flip, the retreat value of your energetic Pokémon is 1 much less.Store3 / P-AHand ScopeMerchandise—Your opponent reveals their hand.Store4 / P-APokédexMerchandise—Have a look at the highest 3 playing cards of your deck.Store5 / P-APoké BallMerchandise—Put 1 random fundamental Pokémon out of your deck into your hand.Store6 / P-APurple CardMerchandise—Your opponent shuffles their hand into their deck and attracts 3 playing cards.Store7 / P-AProfessorâs AnalysisSupporter—Draw 2 playing cards.Store8 / P-APokédexMerchandise—Have a look at the highest 3 playing cards of your deck.Not out there9 / P-APikachuLightning60Gnaw (20)Premium store10 / P-AMewtwoPsychic120Energy Blast (120) — Discard 2 psychic power from this Pokémon.Premium mission reward11 / P-AChanseyColorless120Light Slap (60)Meowth and Chansey Marvel Decide Occasion12 / P-AMeowthColorless60Pay Day (10) — Draw a card.Meowth and Chansey Marvel Decide Occasion13 / P-AButterfreeGrass120Gust (60) Powder Heal (Potential) — As soon as throughout your flip, you might heal 20 harm from every of your Pokémon.Lapras ex Drop Occasion14 / P-ALapras exWater140Bubble Drain (80) — Heal 20 harm from this Pokémon.Lapras ex Drop Occasion15 / P-APikachuLightning60Gnaw (20)Lapras ex Drop Occasion16 / P-AClefairyPsychic60Slap (20)Lapras ex Drop Occasion17 / P-AMankeyCombating50Reckless Cost (30) — This Pokémon additionally does 10 harm to itself.Lapras ex Drop Occasion18 / P-AVenusaurGrass160Mega Drain (80) — Heal 30 harm from this Pokémon.Venusaur Drop Occasion19 / P-AGreninjaWater120Mist Slash (60) Water Shuriken (Potential) — As soon as throughout your flip, you might do 20 harm to 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon.Venusaur Drop Occasion20 / P-AHaunterPsychic70Shock Assault (50) — Flip a coin. If tails, this assault does nothing.Venusaur Drop Occasion21 / P-AOnixCombating110Land Crush (70)Venusaur Drop Occasion22 / P-AJigglypuffColorless50Sing — Your opponent’s energetic Pokémon is now Asleep.Venusaur Drop Occasion23 / P-ABulbasaurGrass70Vine Whip (40)Bulbasaur and Magnemite Marvel Decide Occasion24 / P-AMagnemiteLightning60Lightning Ball (20)Bulbasaur and Magnemite Marvel Decide Occasion25 / P-AMoltres exHearth140Inferno Dance — Flip 3 cash. Take an quantity of fireplace power out of your power zone equal to the variety of heads and fix it to your benched hearth Pokémon in any means you want. Warmth Blast (70)Premium mission reward26 / P-APikachuLightning60Gnaw (20)New 12 months 2025 Occasion mission27 / P-ASnivyGrass60Sort out (20)Blastoise Drop Occasion28 / P-AVolcaronaHearth120Volcanic Ash — Discard 2 hearth power from this Pokémon. This assault does 80 harm to 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon.Blastoise Drop Occasion29 / P-ABlastoiseWater150Hydro Pump (80+) — If this Pokémon has at the very least 2 further water power hooked up, this assault does 60 extra harm.Blastoise Drop Occasion30 / P-AEeveeColorless60Growl — Throughout your opponent’s subsequent flip, assaults utilized by the defending Pokémon do –20 harm.Blastoise Drop Occasion31 / P-ACinccinoColorless90Do the Wave (30x) — This assault does 30 harm for every of your benched Pokémon.Blastoise Drop Occasion32 / P-ACharmanderHearth60Ember (30) — Discard a fireplace power from this Pokémon.Charmander and Squirtle Marvel Decide Occasion33 / P-ASquirtleWater60Water Gun (20)Charmander and Squirtle Marvel Decide Occasion